Refined sunflower oil

Refined sunflower oil

Sunflower refined deodorized oil produced by LLC «VESTNORD» is a high-quality oil, purified from foreign smell and taste, obtained mainly from press oil of the first pressing. The technological process is aimed at maximum conservation of natural nutrients from sunflower seeds. Refined deodorized sunflower oil produced by LLC «VESTNORD» is used as a seasoning for salads, and is also an ideal means for cooking hot dishes, stewing, frying, grilling and deep-frying.
We offer sunflower oil in bulk and packed in PET bottles. On request, the label on the bottle and the box can be with the trademark and design presented by the buyer.

Way of shipment: automobile tank, flexi tanks in containers or trucks, pouring, for export deliveries it is possible to pack into bottles.

To get more information about the products

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